November 22, 2019

Future Tax Leaders Presentation: Sales Is Not A 4 Letter Word!

Participants should leave the session knowing:

– The 7 elements of a sale
– The most important thing to focus on
– The largest stumbling block in sales

Sayings to think about
“I’ve never sold anything, but I have helped a lot of people buy”
“I’m here to help”
“all buyers are liars”
“don’t confuse price and cost”

The 7 elements of a sale

    Radio Broadcast

    1) INITIAL OPENING – Statement to gain prospects interest…benefit statement…elevator pitch

    2) THE DIAGNOSIS “No problem, no sale”
    this is the longest part of the sale
    use “have” and “want” questions: what do you have, what do you want?
    take notes

    This is how my solution fits your needs

    Write them down before you ever get there!
    You can’t overcome the objections unless you have diagnosed them!

    6) PRICE
    If you mention it to quickly, it will always be too expensive

    7) THE CLOSE
    You can’t close unless you have earned the right to close!

    Use the easy close: “May I have your business?”
    Soften it? “Is there a project we can start with?
    Ask for next step (e.g.) “meet my team”

    Get agreement, get “Yes.” Agree on the little things to get to the big ones.

    International Business Podcast! (free)
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    International business book
    Marketing Street Fighter! Marketing Book

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