by billdecker | Sep 19, 2012 | International Business, Market Entry
How does a firm choose a foreign market for its products or services? If only there was a way to logically “grade” a foreign market to sell into. Many US firms get very confused and intimidated when they try to choose which country to work with overseas, when entering...
by billdecker | Aug 5, 2012 | Market Entry
How do you select a foreign market correctly? Is there a way to “grade” a market and compare one country to another? How do you choose the correct way to enter a foreign market? How do you effectively sell in foreign countries? What are the roadblocks and...
by billdecker | Apr 5, 2012 | International Business
The biggest pitfall in market enty: The expectation that a contract ends the negotiation. Many times, a contract is singed, and then negotiations continue. Business people in India do not place the contract at the end of an agreement. Wow! More assumptions? 1) The...
by billdecker | Jan 10, 2012 | International Business, Market Entry
the article on entering international markets continues, part 15 So now that you’ve finished the article, what is the process? Mode of entry (MOE) should be carefully determined. The determinants are: The Host Firm’s • Current business model • Access to capital...
by billdecker | Jan 4, 2012 | Market Entry
the article on entering international markets continues, part 14 STRATEGIC ALLIANCES: An often-overlooked mode of entry is the strategic alliance. This is typically a business relationship where similar companies combine efforts to get a better price on materials,...