by billdecker | Oct 31, 2013 | International Business, Market Entry
In International Market Entry There are thousands of horrible stories and events that happen everyday. This one minute video on international marketing talks about a firm using an unknown Swedish distributor to enter the European Market
by billdecker | May 14, 2012 | International Business
How many times do we hear that in gloabl marketing our international business partners are unethical? “Unethical” is a term that should never be used in international business. Ethics are a suit of clothes, and your ethics don’t equal my ethics,...
by billdecker | May 3, 2012 | International Business
a) When outsourcing, firms put technical experts in charge of India projects. Are your technical experts negotiators? Are they cross cultural specialists? Do they understand International Market Entry? If they possess both of those characteristics in addition to their...
by billdecker | Jan 10, 2012 | International Business, Market Entry
the article on entering international markets continues, part 15 So now that you’ve finished the article, what is the process? Mode of entry (MOE) should be carefully determined. The determinants are: The Host Firm’s • Current business model • Access to capital...