by billdecker | Dec 14, 2020 | International Business, Market Entry
This one minute video on global business asks if business deals are done because the product is better. Does the best mousetrap mean we got an international customer? Or do other factors come into play? Check out this quick video and see! Pick up the Market Access...
by billdecker | Jun 13, 2017 | International Business
Here is a quick 1 minute international business video about spotting a global business fraud. Too often, friends and colleagues have told me that they trusted someone to get them into a foreign market, only to be disappointed and felt taken. Enjoy this video and if...
by billdecker | May 15, 2017 | International Business, Market Entry
Here is a quick international business video which discusses three bad strategies for international market entry
by billdecker | Jan 9, 2017 | International Business, Market Entry
Can your ordinary employees handle global business negotiations? Watch this quick international business video and see what you may be missing!
by billdecker | Dec 1, 2016 | International Business
Here is a quick 1 minute international business video to prepare an executive for his or her next global business trip.