Here are more key success factors for international market entry

A) The correct market champions — Companies leap to the conclusion that success at home will guarantee success abroad. “Jim Bob did such a good job selling in Nebraska , we’re giving him Tokyo.”

B) cross cultural training. Does your staff understand hiw to nuances of do business in the countries you’ve chosen?

C) A roadblock map — What roadblocks exist to your success, such as cultural, legal, political, infrastructure, personnel and funding?

D) Interest in more than the just the business. Do the people involved really enjoy the countries in question? Are they invested personally in learning some of the languages , the customs, the food, the arts? When people love (eg) India, they’ll have a higher probability of succeeding there.

e) Feedback on market conditions — Do you have a system which gathers and distrubutes market information?

[tags]international marketing, international issues, strategy, market research, international research, planning, international business, off shoring, outsourcing, making products, Global business, marketing, business planning, marketing abroad, strategic consulting [/tags]